Wholesale orders may be placed on this website!
If we've previously marked your account as wholesale, just log in and you'll see wholesale pricing on every item in the store. If you'd like us to create a wholesale web account for you or mark an existing account as wholesale, please write to us using the contact form choosing the department "Sales".
In order to facilitate ease of ordering, wholesale customers now have access to our Discount Categories in the header menu of the website. For more information on how your discount percentage is calculated based on these categories, please write to us using the contact form choosing the department "Sales".
In addition, customers in good standing with credit account terms may now check out using the Invoice with Account Terms payment method. Place your order online; we'll ship the items immediately and send you an invoice in accordance with your credit terms.
We thank you for your continued patronage of Holy Trinity Monastery through our publishing and bookselling endeavors.